Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

What Drives Me Crazy About Message Boards and Why I Am Here

As many of you know, someone incorrectly posted on Cruise Critic that Seabourn "stole" away a Silversea ship...then it was that it was meant to be a Silversea ship and that "Some people were even crossed with Seabourn for taking over the contract! " Where does this stuff come from?

Then, on the Silversea board someone posted that - as I reported days ago...again - that the yard owned the hull design and that it was never an issue of using another cruise line's design. In fact, the poster commented that is a cost savings measure rather than designing an entirely new hull form. Geez that sounds really familiar, doesn't it?! (I am not attesting to that poster's knowledge or the basis for it; only that he posted it.)

So then there was the comment that the original premises came out of something found on Google. So I looked: Nothing even close.

So which poster has the correct information? Why was the original post phrased in a way that it inferred an answer that was controversial? Why wasn't the post, "Does Anyone Know How Seabourn Chose The Shape of Odyssey?"

Obviously if I had posted a response it would have been short and sweet...and there would have been some sort of personal attack...and more misinformation would be posted...and then some posts would be removed...and then, funny enough, the actual information as to the inquiry might well have been so buried that it was never recognized or appreciated.

Many of you have asked me to try to post again on Cruise Critic. Some of you have even posted requesting Cruise Critic allow me to post again. I truly appreciate and am flattered and honored by your pleas and compliments.

However, those that really want information are learning where to get it...with detail and thought...and without the clutter (and, at times, absurdity): Right here.

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